The International Society of Female Professionals Julie A. Bohnert
Julie Bohnert was employed with a Fortune 500 coal company for 22 years before venturing out on her own. A few of her responsibilities of a Safety Manager of an underground coal facility were providing support to the management team in compliance, ventilation controls, roof control, training, and record keeping.
This was after she had spent approximately 11 years learning the underground mining systems including inspections, equipment operation, and how to correct hazards in the workplace.
She also assisted in rolling out a new safety program and facilitated the training for a large number of hourly and salaried employees in one region. This program helped reduce the incident rate at the company to a record low over a time period of approximately 7 years during this time the company experienced growth with hiring of inexperienced miners and numerous new supervisors.
Julie then went into the full time training arena for the same company and had numerous responsibilities. She was responsible for scheduling and delivery of targeted training programs, courses, and tools that supported the compliance training, learning and development of approximately 3,000 employees annually.
She provided customization to address business-specific needs of equipment and other requested training. Delivered content in classrooms as well as simulator based; used improved facilitation skills to lead interactive discussions and draw experiences from participants, used mining experience to provide real-life context, and provide real-time coaching in the classroom.
She also managed compliance programs or course logistics, with participants and business partners. She also developed, designed or revised courses as business needs changed.
Julie is now the co-developer of a unique interactive mine compliance training materials company for the metal non-metal and coal industry. Their training modules allow the trainers of the industry to have their training modules developed for their annual refresher training classes and new miner classes. They can also develop a training program tailored specifically for a mine site complete with instructor easy to follow lesson plans. Julie and her partner have trained over 9,000 miners in the past few years. They have developed programs that allow the instructors to facilitate the classroom and the miners to be interact throughout the day. This makes it a more enjoyable day for instructor and miner in the classroom. After all the miners are the experts in their field of work and can help with the training in the classroom from peer to peer, the same as they do in the pit or underground mines. The trainers in the mining industry have so many responsibilities, like safety and health of the miners, observations and audits. They do not have the opportunity to dedicate the time and or energy that they would like to develop the training materials for their compliance training. So try out Target Mine Training modules and let your miners be the judge of your new training style. You might even be surprised how much they will retain after this style of training while having FUN!!!
The most rewarding aspect of Julie’s career is watching the individuals she has trained grow within the industry. The highlight of Julie’s career, in regards to achievements, has been having her 2 sons following in her footsteps and going into the Coal Mining & Metal Industry.
In her spare time she enjoys golfing, fishing, and traveling with her family; which includes her children and grandchildren. She lives in Sebring, Florida.
The International Society of Female Professionals Member Julie A. Bohnert can be found on the Who’s Who Directory, where she is looking forward to networking with you.