The International Society of Female Professionals Recognizes Mirta Michilli, Co Founder and General Director of Fondazione Mondo Digitale

Mirta Michilli is co-founder and general director of Fondazione Mondo Digitale of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, a non-profit organization founded by the Municipality of Rome, the Lazio Region in addition to six large ICT companies. Committed to the creation of an inclusive knowledge society promoting the sharing of human knowledge, Fondazione Mondo Digitale is dedicated to social inclusion and innovation. The foundations focuses particularly on both the school world and populations at the greatest risk of exclusion: the elderly, migrants, unemployed young people, and others.
Fondazione Mondo Digitale (FMD) was founded in 2001 as Consorzio Gioventù Digitale, and was organized as a non-profit organization under the guidance of Professor Emeritus Tullio De Mauro. FMD works with schools, small-and-medium size companies, large technology corporations, non-profit organizations, local, regional, and national authorities, and European partnerships.
FMD values placing human individuals at the center of every activity, everywhere. A focus area, “Women and ICT” maintains the mission of providing young women with opportunities to experience new technology and to have access to the job market.
FMD’s mission is to align education with the challenges of the 21st century and to fight the plight of social emergencies, from youth unemployment to school dropout rates. Mirta and her team have developed a model based on “Education for Life” and the “Innovation Gym”, a physical-virtual environment for experiential learning and practice innovation. With over 70 educational proposals FMD contributes to the development of digital skills and self-entrepreneurship of citizens at all ages.
Operating in different areas, programs, content and ad hoc platforms, the team at FMD promotes the inclusive use of technologies everywhere, helping new generations to discover the jobs of the future related to technological development. Most importantly, they support the training and careers of young women in the field of STEAM.
Through the model of intergenerational learning and the “Third Reception” FMD has the ability to transform young people into I-tutors, natural facilitators in the processes of inclusion and the integration of over 65s and citizens of developing countries. An accredited body of the Ministry of Education for the training of school personnel, they have earned and obtained quality certification for coaching services (UNI and ISO).
The woman at the helm, Mirta Michilli , serves as co-founder an general director to this dynamic foundation. Prior to Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Mirta was behind the success obtained by the Municipality of Rome as President of the European Telecities Network (now Eurocities Knowledge Society Forum, which has over 120 partners including capital and other important cities of the European Union. In 1999 she founded in Edinburgh Helios ICT Management ltd, a spin-off of the University of Edinburgh. She earned her PhD in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from the International School of Management in Paris (2020), and has also completed DBA courses at the Saint John University of New York on Social Venture Capital, Social Return on Investments and Marketing for Non profit Organizations.
Mirta will earn her PhD in Entrepreneurship and Innovation this year (2020) from the International School of Management and also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Pisa. She regularly participates as a speaker at conventions, press conferences and television and radio programmes.
Having published over 100 articles, she has frequently spoken at several conferences on the subjects of Women in Tech, Youth in Tech, and Innovation & Job Expansion. She tells us one of her greatest passions is to keep women and youth aware of technological innovation and transformation. She does this by working to spread the benefits/opportunities of technological developments in society with special attention to schools and to those potentially being excluded.
Mirta’s vision for the future is to continue to bring awareness and to provide training programs for female entrepreneurs and professionals on the use of social media so that they may promote their businesses and professional services. She speaks fluent English, Italian and Spanish. Mirta won a Microsoft Award- Global YouthSpark Advisor, and enjoys walking and trekking in her spare time. She looks forward to sharing the vision of Fondazione Mondo Digitale with other professionals. Visit her personal website and blog here:
International Society of Female Professionals Member, Mirta Michilli, can be found on the Association Directory, where she is looking forward to networking with you.