The International Society of Female Professionals Recognizes Lisa Abbott Moore, SLP(C) & CCC/SLP

Lisa Abbott Moore is the owner and founder of Artfully Speaking, a speech and language therapy practice that offers voice, language and speech services to suit medical, individual or professional needs. Combining over 28 years of experience in speech pathology and language expertise with a thriving artistic practice, Lisa uses the arts as a modality to help clients better connect to their process in the treatment session.
Among the services that Lisa offers are voice, fluency, swallowing assessment and treatment; art-based communication treatment and lessons; communication consulting for executive function and social language, corporate consulting and mentoring; and legal speech and language services.
Dual certified by the American Speech Hearing Association and the Speech Language Pathologist Association of Canada, Lisa holds a bachelor’s degree and a Master of Science from the University of Southern Mississippi. Prior to opening her own practice, she worked with infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to the geriatric population. Her diverse international experiences include teaching and practice in Cambodia, Brazil, Romania, Guyana, Canada, and the USA.
In addition to running Artfully Speaking, Lisa has lead groups in art-based communication therapy at the Aphasia Center of Ottawa, and at the elementary school level with an Art for Social Change Program. She is also active with her local neighborhood watch program, serves as secretary on the school council board, and on the Jewish Pastoral Care Team at the Ottawa Hospital.
International Society of Female Professionals Member Lisa Abbott Moore, SLP(C) & CCC/SLP can be found on the Association Directory, where she is looking forward to networking with you.