The International Society of Female Professionals Recognizes Dr. Marie Stringile
Dr. Marie Stringile offers over 45 years as an Educator, and is a Retired Administrator for the Jersey City Public Schools, Jersey City, NJ. She worked in Middle and Elementary Schools throughout the District, and was noted as the Empowered Principal. She says that relationships and communication are the heart of principal’s work, and that empowerment is understanding her job and what her purpose and focus are.
She believes that the right vision gives you and your staff focus making sure that your vision includes 100 percent of your students and align every practice and policy to my vision. The attributes drive her success are: Instructionally focused interactions, building a productive school climate, facilitating collaboration, and strategic management.
Marie has learned that being a great leader starts with being authentic, willing to take risks, fail, love their community, get creative, and always be a life-long learner. She is a Member of ASCD,NAASP,IRA, Who’s Who in American Education, Board Trustee, and NJDOE.
When it comes to education, she says Cornel West put it best: “fighting for justice is a sprint and marathon-motivated by love!” It has always been impossible for me to separate equity, empathy, love and justice.” She believes that trying to create an environment, educational space without these four symbiotic ideals is unrealistic in practice.
The love she speaks of stretches far beyond the love educators feel for the children in their classrooms. It is about the love of themselves, their colleagues, their community, and their love of learning. In a world where there are so many things to care about, it is easy to lose focus and feel overwhelmed. It is OK to care about community, immigrant rights, and inclusive curriculum all at the same time, as a long as we are making sure we are turning that care into action. Love is a noun and verb. It requires meaningful action in areas where we want to have the most impact.
International Society of Female Professionals Member, Dr. Marie Stringile, can be found on the Association Directory, where she is looking forward to networking with you.