

  • Joanne Tuinstra IPHM posted an update

    Hello All,

    I’d like to introduce you to my Facebook group called and:U Holistic Zen.

    I welcome you to take a look and if you are interested in becoming a moderator please drop me a line at

    I look forward to chatting and growing with you.


    Welcome Everyone,
    Our Holistic Zen space offers a forum for like-minded (holistic) practitioners and non-practitioners alike to come and hang out together and learn many things from each other along the way.
    Our overall vision is to promote peace, kindness, compassion, awareness of self, and for everyone to have a chance to see/feel that we’re not so different after all. In this community we are neither labels nor diagnosis.
    In order to facilitate some of these wonderful opportunities to grow we hope to offer:
    -Access to a plethora of incredibly positive and uplifting ‘holistic, innovative, alternative’ practices, practitioners, strategies, etc.
    -Guest Speakers from within our community. Every holistic practitioner who is a member of the room is free to have your website listed on our room site.
    -Free Workshops
    -Free Presentations
    -Special Topics
    -Question/Answer periods
    -Community Events
    What We are Not;
    -We do not ‘sell’ products however, we may have special events, raffles, promotions, etc., where people may want to offer a service as a prize or, something like that.
    -Also, we do not offer counselling/coaching in the group room however anyone is free to connect with a practitioner of their choosing should they want to work directly with a specific service provider.
    We will continue to evolve and grow while fostering partnerships with practitioners all over the world.
    There is something for everyone in our community and everyone’s ‘voice’ will land where it’s meant to.
    Thank you, relax, enjoy, and have fun! 🙂

    10 months ago

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