Sari Shaicovitch, BA, BSW, MEd, RSW

Professional Information
Shaicovitch, BA, BSW, MEd, RSW
Emphasis on Fertility, Anxiety & Depression
Sari Shaicovitch Counseling & Support
Mental Health Care
Education, Honors & Awards
Carleton University & McGill University
BA in Psychology, Bachelor of Social Work
Personal Information
Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers, Ontario Association of Social Workers, Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society, Canadian Counselling and Special Interest Group, The Infertility Network, Fertility Matters Canada
Sari Shaicovitch is a registered social worker who specializes in anxiety, depression, infertility, reproductive loss, crisis intervention, and self esteem. She has undergraduate degrees in both Psychology and Social Work, as well as a graduate degree in Educational Psychology and Special Education. Sari has also received extensive post graduate training in both Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Infertility Counseling. Sari has been working as a counselor and social worker former than twenty years. Working with adolescents and adults, Sari has extensive experience helping her clients identify where they are struggling and helping them to formulate personal and realistic goals for change.Sari currently works with a number of Toronto-area fertility clinics where she consults with patients who are looking to use third party gametes (sperm, egg or embryo donors, as well as surrogates). Over the course of her career, Sari has presented on numerous topics to women’s groups, support groups and prenatal groups all around Toronto on topics such as “How to Recognize the Signs of Post Partum Depression”, “How to Tell your Child they were Adopted”, and “The Do’s and Don’ts to Help Increase Your Child’s Self Esteem”. Sari also blogged bi-weekly for 'hermagazine', an online resource for women. Her blogs range in subject from anxiety, to bullying, to parenting, to struggling with sexuality and relationships. She has been quoted in Readers Digest and has appeared on both Rogers Daytime Toronto as well as Rogers Daytime York Region.
More than 25 years
Psychology Today
Infertility Counseling, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy