

  • As a writer of original poetry – may I share one of my poems with you all – food for thought.

    Eschatological Poem of Love to the churches in Sanderstead Parish 2022

    In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

    The angels applauded as agape love was brought to birth.

    Satan et al inspired the alternative theory termed evolution

    Opposed to God’s display of love, wisdom and power solution

    To the void that existed pre-creation

    Obliterated by the holy spirit’s manifestation.

    At the start of mankind’s birth and fall into sin and temptation

    Was Satan et al’s design for world domination

    Spiritual prisoners of war trapped in Satan’s war

    Freedom Theology inspiring godly people to divide, conquer and soar,

    Billions frustrated at the futility of life question ‘Does God really care?’

    When searching the Mosques, temples, synagogues and churches for the

    answers – Let the buyer beware

    Finding the truth contained in the Bible, Sola scriptura, the only way

    God will not remain aloof as the upcoming tribulation leads to Judgement Day

    To those sincere in heart, mind and love and deed

    Theirs is the kingdom and they will succeed.

    In this time of earth’s darkest hour of testing and refinement

    Let’s cleanse ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually for every


    Seek refuge in the Messianic Jewish saviour and King

    Eternity in God’s Book of Life this will bring.

    Let us all endeavour to try more diligently to pursue agape love

    It is surely the greatest gift from our Heavenly Father who dwells above

    The sea, the earth and the skies

    Take faith in the resurrection, the Bible’s promises will never die.

    Inspired by my visit to the local churches, feeling loved by the preachers

    Triggered a rush of love for all those godly teachers

    Come out her her my people – pleads God before I destroy the false church

    And leave billions of sincere yet misguided ones in the lurch.

    Original poetry by Francesca Darien-Hyde LLB MA for Lovefdh of


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    1 year ago

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